Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

Challenge Pertamaku di Facebook

Bulan Mei ini, mbak Dwita Siregar memulai challenge membuat kartu. Pesertanya tidak dibatasi, boleh dari mana saja. Hadiahnya lumayan looohhh... Dapet voucher gratis belanja di OS nya: Dwita Crafty Crafts. Beliau jualan macem-macem. Silakeun diintip-intip disini.

Untuk yang pertama ini temanya adalah memakai punch out dalam membuat kartu. Punch out adalah sebuah bentuk yang muncul saat kita menggunakan alat bernama puncher, biasanya yang digunakan adalah kertas. Boleh menggunakan punch out dari merk apa saja. Dan akhirnya aku harus ngubek-ngubek "harta"ku yang baru seuprit. Ternyata aku lupa pernah beli punch out banyak sama mbak Vina FlaPer Craft. Setelah diliat-diukur-dipasin-disusun dan dilem, inilah penampakan kartunya. Sayangnya foto yang tampak dari depan udah kehapuusss... :((

Yang kepikiran saat bikin kartu ini adalah ibuku! *soalnya beliau juga lagi asyik utak-atik kalkulator di depanku*. Makanya sentimentnya aku tulis I Heart Mom. Heartnya dari punh out juga dong... Kalo aku punya punch baru yang harga murah meriah. Merknya Jef Punch. Yang jualan punch ini namanya Niken. Selain punh out dari Jef, juga ada dari Martha Steward (yang seperti renda) juga hasil die cut (yang buat background bunga). Warnanya asal aja, soalnya adanya kerttas warna turqois, jadi aku padankan sama hijau dan coklat di pitanya juga.

Dan walaupun hasilnya aku ga dapet voting satupun, aku seneng ikut challenge ini. Jadi bisa liat seberapa kemampuanku *ciee... kayak belajar kanuragan aja*, liat kartu temen-temenku yang asli bikin ngiri juga bisa liat teknik bikin kartu dan coloring yang superb! So temans, ikutan challenge ga ada ruginya kan?

Thanks udah mampir dan kasih komen di kartuku.
Keep crafting friends!

Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

WOOOHOOO ... My cards sold out!

May has arrived. April passed unnoticed. In April not many works that I can share with you all. There are projects that must be completed and I will tell you about it today.
Some time ago, a friend offered me work together in selling the cards. He has a shop in a mall in Jakarta. And because I'm interested in this cooperation, so I tried to make some cards with 3 different themes, namely: Birthdays, Weddings and births a baby. Each theme, I made a 4 card  with different designs.
12 mini cards with a different touch on each card.  It's an exhausting job. ^^
While making the cards was so tired, but it was all worth the results that I achieved. All my cards were sold out! Wawww .... I was shocked. I do not think my cards accepted by the customer. As all my cards no concept. All are made only by relying on the feelings and spirit of the ups and downs. Perhaps because it is made with love and affection that makes the cards look good. He he he, yes I'm so narcissistic?

And below, some pictures that I took before the cards are sent by parcel post.

Baby Birth Card Series

 Birthday Card Series

  Wedding Card Series

It turned out that hobby could become a promising business. Makes me more convinced that a job done with great love and passion, then not only profits, but also satisfaction. No matter whether you live in the village, like me, or in big cities like Jakarta. Believe it! because I have to prove it.

Thank you for stopping for a moment on my blog
. May we always share with each other and continue working. Happy crafting friends!

Iin Aryanti